
The "MARBLE İzmir" brand will be elevated to a higher level

The "MARBLE İzmir" Brand Will Be Elevated to a Higher Level

İZFAŞ General Manager stated, "We are working to elevate our MARBLE İzmir brand. The fair in Warsaw is one of the steps toward entering the European Union."

Leading figures of the Turkish natural stone and marble industry gathered to further expand and develop MARBLE İzmir, the gateway of the industry to the world. Emphasizing the importance of the MARBLE İzmir brand, İZFAŞ General Manager said, "We will decide together, with your valuable contributions, on what we can do to elevate our MARBLE İzmir brand. I want you to know that for İzmir Metropolitan Municipality, the natural stone and marble sector, as well as our MARBLE İzmir brand, are of great importance."

We Are Joining Forces

Before the 26th MARBLE İzmir Fair, which will take place on April 1-4, 2020, leading industry figures gathered at the Advisory Board Meeting. Recognized as one of Türkiye’s most significant fairs and among the top three fairs in the global industry, MARBLE İzmir's Advisory Board Meeting was hosted by İZFAŞ General Manager as part of the fair's preparation process. Representatives from various chambers, associations, and companies within the industry attended the meeting.

İZFAŞ General Manager stated, "We are here to join forces. We will decide, with your valuable contributions, on what we can do to take our fair and our industry to better levels on the international stage, to further strengthen our exporters, and to elevate the MARBLE İzmir brand. I want you to know that for İzmir Metropolitan Municipality, the natural stone and marble industry, as well as our MARBLE İzmir brand, are very important. Our mayor has a strong determination to take this fair to even higher levels."

It Is a Leverage for Us

Emphasizing the importance of the MARBLE Warsaw Fair, which will be held in Warsaw, Poland, İZFAŞ General Manager stated, "There are three important aspects regarding Poland. First, our number of visitors from Northern Europe is limited, and we can use this location as leverage to reach more visitors. Second, the fair in Poland includes porcelain and ceramics, and we contribute to it with natural stone. Porcelain and ceramic buyers also attend the fair. This is our first year, and we will see where it leads through consultations with the industry. Third, when you bring MARBLE to Poland, you are entering the European Union market. We needed to introduce MARBLE to the EU market in some way. We are working intensely on attracting visitors. The primary reason for organizing the fair here is to reach more European visitors. This serves as a leverage for us. We fully support our fair."

It Will Provide a Positive Contribution

İZFAŞ Deputy General Manager Onur Fatih Gökçedağ highlighted the similarities between Poland and Türkiye and stated that the MARBLE Warsaw Fair would create a positive momentum. İZFAŞ Sales and Marketing Manager Gökalp Soygül provided information about the fairs. Industry representatives also expressed their full support for the growth of the MARBLE İzmir brand.


Contact us to become a participant in the Marble İzmir Fair.

E: arif.saglam@izmirfair.com.tr
T: +90 (232) 497 10 00
Ext: 1163


For detailed information about visiting the Marble İzmir Fair, feel free to contact us.

E: visitmarble@izmirfair.com.tr
T: +90 (232) 497 10 00
Ext: 1098 - 1114


Zafer Mah. 840. Sk. Fuar Alanı No:2 Gaziemir/İzmir
+90 (232) 497 10 00
This fair has been organized in accordance with Law No. 5174 by TOBB (The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Türkiye).
İZFAŞ © 2025