
Fair Venue


Spanning 330,000 m², Fuarizmir provides a state-of-the-art venue for fairs, congresses, seminars, and other events. It features 4 exhibition halls, 4 seminar rooms, and a variety of other spaces to serve both participants and visitors.

4 halls with state-of-the-art technical infrastructure
330,000 m² total area
119,400 m² open and enclosed exhibition space
15,600 m² foyer area
93,000 m² parking area (2,500 vehicles)
• Cafes and restaurants across a 16,000 m² area
4 seminar rooms


Contact us to become a participant in the Marble İzmir Fair.

E: arif.saglam@izmirfair.com.tr
T: +90 (232) 497 10 00
Ext: 1163


For detailed information about visiting the Marble İzmir Fair, feel free to contact us.

E: visitmarble@izmirfair.com.tr
T: +90 (232) 497 10 00
Ext: 1098 - 1114


Zafer Mah. 840. Sk. Fuar Alanı No:2 Gaziemir/İzmir
+90 (232) 497 10 00
This fair has been organized in accordance with Law No. 5174 by TOBB (The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Türkiye).
İZFAŞ © 2025