

Exhibitor Services


Our accreditation service is available continuously to ensure that participants can enter the fairgrounds quickly and safely.

Hosted Buyer

Each year, the Marble İzmir Fair attracts buyers from around the globe, all seeking a wide range of natural stone products.

Open Car Park

Fuarizmir offers a 93,000 m² area with a parking lot that accommodates up to 2,000 vehicles, ensuring convenient parking for participants and visitors.

Parking Garrage

Fuarizmir also provides a 93,000 m² area with a parking garage that can accommodate 1,500 vehicles, offering additional parking space for attendees.


The restaurants at Fuarizmir offer a variety of dining options to enhance the experience for participants and visitors, both during the event setup and throughout the fair.

First Aid

Fuarizmir provides first aid services with an ambulance, fire department, and infirmary available throughout the installation, dismantling, and fair days.


A cloakroom service is available to exhibitors, with dedicated facilities throughout the installation, dismantling, and fair periods at Fuarizmir.


Café areas are available in halls A, B, C, and D within Fuarizmir, offering refreshments to participants and visitors.

Prayer Room

Prayer rooms are conveniently located in the B foyer and D hall at Fuarizmir.

Disabled Access Lift

Fuarizmir has specially designed lifts and facilities to ensure smooth and comfortable movement for disabled individuals throughout the fairground.

Technical Office

For any technical issues, our technical office located in the A foyer is available to provide assistance and information.

Press Room

The press room at Fuarizmir offers a dedicated space for members of the press, providing access to both wired and wireless internet, as well as computer and printer support.

Cleaning Service

Exhibitors can obtain information about booth cleaning services at the cleaning desk located in Foyer A.


A taxi service is available for exhibitors and visitors at the front of the open parking lot at Fuarizmir.


Free shuttle service is provided to various locations around the city during the Marble İzmir event.


Contact us to become a participant in the Marble İzmir Fair.

E: arif.saglam@izmirfair.com.tr
T: +90 (232) 497 10 00
Ext: 1163


For detailed information about visiting the Marble İzmir Fair, feel free to contact us.

E: visitmarble@izmirfair.com.tr
T: +90 (232) 497 10 00
Ext: 1098 - 1114


Zafer Mah. 840. Sk. Fuar Alanı No:2 Gaziemir/İzmir
+90 (232) 497 10 00
This fair has been organized in accordance with Law No. 5174 by TOBB (The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Türkiye).
İZFAŞ © 2025